Posted by: Jim E | December 3, 2011

Holly Leaves…Christmas Trees…And Memories…

As I sit here in our study/extra bedroom…and look out the window…I see our holly bush or tree or whatever they call it here in Arkansas…it is so green, even now in December…those that may have followed Your Roving Reporter, may remember that when we built our home here in Little Rock, and I was asked what kind of landscape I wanted…meaning bushes, etc…I told him, “I come from a place that everything loses its leaves in the fall. So I want bushes that stay green all year round.”…he said, “I can do that.”…and he did…I don’t even know all the names of the greenery that he put in…but it is multicolored and most of it blooms at least once during the year…the azaleas bloom three times…heavens, they are blooming right now!!!…I again this year put our Christmas lights over pink azaleas blooming in the front and back of our house…what a deal…here it is December 3rd and we still have flowering bushes…I think I have a picture to show you…the pink flowers, with red, green, white, yellow lights over the top…lets see if I can find one…well, the best I can do is one from a couple of weeks ago…in November…it looks about the same but with Christmas lights draped over the bushes…azaleas peeking through the lights…like this one, I finally found one for you to see…for someone from Minnesota, it is unbelievable…but this is the last of the azaleas…they will be through blooming in a week or so…then we wait until spring…

So we do have our Christmas tree up and glowing…the house decorated…thanks to my lovely wife…without her putting in all her effort…it would be a lot less decorated, putting it mildly…we all love the Christmas season…all the lights and color…the tree is decked out with all kinds of ornaments…after being married for almost 50 years, you do have the tendency to have lots of “old” ornaments…but they hold such meaning for us that we use them every year…I wish you could see it…loaded down with years of memories, reminding us of years gone by…and it still looks beautiful even after all these years…heavens, lets let you see it…

So with the holly just outside my window…full of red berries…and the one across the street it is loaded with berries too…and later on this winter flocks of cedar waxwings will come and eat these same holly berries…after some cold weather to cure them a bit…it is something to watch 20 or more birds attacking the bushes with a flurry of activity…then fly into another tree, eat what they have and then back for more…winter here is certainly different than in Minnesota…but no less interesting…that is, if you are interested…if you know what I mean…

So this will start my December posts…I will warn you from the beginning…I will repost some from the past…why?…because I have used some of them for over 15 years…some for more than that…they touch me with their simplicity and meaning….I hope you will enjoy them…I used them in my past life as a principal of a high school, with the staff and students…so I hope you will give it a whirl…even if you have read or seen one or more before, I hope that once a year and maybe this year…it will be meaningful to you as they are to me…

Let me be one of the first to wish you a Merry Christmas…as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ…Who brings peace and hope to a needy world…and may you thoroughly enjoy this wonderful season of the year…and to top this post off…a picture of our mantel…Judie spends far more time than I would…but I really enjoy what she does…I hope you have lots of family time this season of the year…Judie has pumpkin bread coming out of the oven right now…guess what I am going to do?…I will close this…and will be back with a number of December posts that I hope you will enjoy as much as I do…Merry Christmas…


  1. Your house looks beautiful. Merry Christmas

    • Saun…thanks…its Judie’s work…she goes all out on Christmas…I love it too, but do little of the actual “work”…Jim E

  2. Hi it’s Saun again, I won a free blog design so I have decided to set up one on wordpress too. I didn’t want to mess my other blog up. You have to give them your password and they go in and work on it. Then you change your password after they are done. I won it with a group of girls I blog with so I’m sure it’s on the up and up. Plus I like how my other blog looks so I thought I would try it here. Long story short I have started my blog here so she can build me a new design for wordpress. Anyway can you check and see if it’s working alright and leave a comment. Thanks Saun

    P.S. I only have one photo up 🙂

    • Saun…I’ll give it a whirl…maybe now I can leave a comment more easily…will go there now…thanks Jim E

  3. Your picture of a cedar waxwing with a holly berry reminds me of a photograph I took a couple of years ago that showed one of these birds swallowing a berry of a possumhaw, Ilex decidua, which is a holly that’s native here in central Texas. I witnessed what you describe: a flock of cedar waxwings sweeping in and out until by the next day the tree was left with no fruit on it at all.

    Steve Schwartzman

    • Steve…and on top of the habit of cedar waxwing’s eating the holly…they are so beautiful…how in the world feathers can be different colors and have a definite line from the next color, I will never understand…but it is beautiful…they look so “smooth”…thanks for the comment…Jim E

  4. Hi Jim,
    Your tree and decorations are beautiful. The girls and I put up our tree and decorations over the weekend and they look great. All of the ornaments on our tree are old and very sentimental. We don’t use the glass balls, etc. The Christmas season is our absolute favorite, for so many reasons. Many blessings and a very Merry Christmas to you, Judie and your entire family.
    Take care,

    • Julie…if it wasn’t for Judie…I would do some of it…but she is a Christmas “junkie” for sure…I love to sit down at night and just enjoy the lights around the house…we have an “open” living area and kitchen so we can see it all…and when we have to take it down after Christmas, it is not a good feeling…except to know we will do this all again next year…Merry Christmas…I think I will go have a “Hungry Boy” cookie with coffee…(all part of the season…made them yesterday)…Jim E

  5. Nice Pops. I definitely read a lot more into the story pulling from our past. Glad you are down here for Christmas

    • Jared…hey, the snow just made it for us this morning…I took Jeremy to work and the roads weren’t perfect but it was so beautiful…and with hardly any traffic at 6:45…just glad I was in West Little Rock and not on the freeway or in town…it made the trip wonderful…only thing missing was coffee at the sweet spot…but it is nice also, that the snow will be gone this afternoon…Dad

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